Namespace Benday.Presentation
A relay command that handles exceptions by showing them to the user. This class wraps an existing action and executes it when the command is invoked. If the action throws an exception, the exception is caught and is shown via IMessageManager.ShowMessage().
Event arguments for requesting that a message box to be shown to the user.
Message manager that shows a message box to the user. This implementation uses the Shell.Current.CurrentPage.DisplayAlert() method.
Base class for a view model that might need to show a message box to the user.
Collection class that allows for navigation forwards or backwards through the collection elements
View model class that provides properties and methods for showing and updating a progress bar in a long-running operation. It also provides functionality for canceling the operation.
View model class for representing a collection of objects that implements ISelectable. By default it only allows one item to be selected at a time and it will manage the IsSelected property of the items in the collection. If you want to allow multiple selections, set AllowMultipleSelections to true.
A view model that can be selected. This is useful for list boxes and combo boxes when you want to bind to a list of items but don't want to use a complex object.
A view model that can be selected. This is useful for list boxes and combo boxes when you want to bind to a list of items.
Base class for view models that provides an implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged.
View model class that represents a field on a form. For example, "FirstName", "LastName", "Age", or "BirthDate". It provides properties for validation, visibility, and enabled. If you're using Benday.Presentation.Controls, those field controls will bind to the properties on this class with a single, simple binding expression.
Interface for a field control that has a label.
Interface for requesting showing messages to the user from inside of a view model.
Interface for a view model that has performs long-running actions that displays progress information using a progress bar.
Interface for a view model that can be selected. This is typically used in a list of items where the user can select one or more items.
Interface for a view model that can be selected. This is typically used in a list of items where the user can select one or more items. This interface provides a way to get the text and value of the item when using complex objects in a list.
Interface for a view model that might need to show a message box to the user.
Interface for a view model class that will be used by a field control that can be hidden.
Delegate for requesting a message box to be shown to the user.